
Hello Bosslady!

If you could be either a passenger or the captain, driver or pilot, which would you rather be? If you answered captain, driver or pilot then you have the entrepreneurial bug and are called to entrepreneurship

Hi, I’m Blessing also known as Okwa.

As a Brand Strategist, I use purpose-driven brand strategy to equip and support kingdom entrepreneurs, coaches, service providers, to launch and build well-loved, well-known and highly profitable brands.

I offer private 1:1 coaching (Strategic Partnership) and a hybrid coaching program in an online membership community (The Flourish Federation) for kingdom women entrepreneurs!

I help men and women who know they have been called for such a time as this to gain greater clarity on their business, gifting and purpose, while also supporting them to take the bold stand of not exchanging their soul for profits!

I hope you are next!


My Passion

I have a passion to see kingdom women entrepreneurs succeed in their business and life without compromising on their faith and values. I truly believe that the way you get there is just as important as getting there. My passion leads me to empowering and equipping those I work with and everyone with the knowledge, strategies, resources, and tools that will help them achieve high levels of success in business and life. Together, I believe we can and will achieve our mandate and purpose as written by the Creator.

Ready? Let’s Do This!

3 Rules I Live By


Honesty is the Best Policy

There is a saying that if you are honest you don’t need to have a good memory. Apart from this, as a business, honesty will keep you out of trouble and earn you respect and loyalty from your customers. There is nothing more refreshing than dealing with a business that is honest enough to acknowledge when they have messed up rather, than try to cover up and blame the customer. Even when no one knows, it still remains that honesty is the best policy.

Do Unto Others As You Would Like Done to You

I believe in the law of what you ‘sow is what you reap’. In my business and personal life, I often take a minute to reflect if this is how I would like to be treated. I endeavor to treat people with kindness and respect. As business owners, entrepreneurs, it is important to treat those we serve in the way we would like to be treated if the tables were turned.

The Way Up Is Down

Many people work very hard to be successful and to make it by ‘hook or crook’ as a mentor of mine would say. I’ve come to realize that the way to success is through serving others. Does your business serve a need and offer solutions to others? Are you in business for yourself, just to make money or to fulfill a need? It is through service to others that one becomes greater.

My Top Ten



Mark 8:36 and Jeremiah 1:5



This can be tough because I love food though I am a picky eater. I love breakfast food, seafood, Nigerian and other cultural cuisines



The ability to connect with anyone in any part of the world at anytime is truly amazing and has presented unprecedented opportunities. I remember when it was not this way. FAVORITE DREAM DESTINATIONS I have so many places I would love to visit including Philippine, Barbados, Kenya and Jamaica!


FAVORITE subject in college

Business, Marketing, English and Literature,



Teal Blue, Beige and Gold



Spring, it’s just perfect, not too hot, not too cold, just perfect


my favorite app, tools

This is difficult, check out the resource page for list of apps I’ve used and or recommend


Favorite way to relax

watching a good christian or based on true story movie


Favorite thing about entrepreneurship

The allowance it gives me to be creativity and control own schedule. I love the potential it gives me to make a difference in the lives of my clients, my family and the kingdom come agenda.


Favorite thing I love

I love a day of being pampered and spoiled all the way.

Charities I Believe In

Rescue Us

At Rescue Us Mission, we stand with the brave survivors of human trafficking and are committed to their healing and empowerment. Our mission is to restore dignity, provide support, and build brighter futures for survivors of human trafficking.

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Orphans Promise

We love and serve orphaned and at-risk children. We help keep families together. We create opportunities for strong, sustainable communities.

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Shekina Charities

Shekina Charities is a missionary outreach that to provides medical treatments, food, clothing and many other helps to the poor, the needy, orphans and widows.

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Adim USA Inc

ADIM USA, INC. seeks to promote peace and progress and serves as a critical link between deserving students and greater access to higher education, fostering the next generation of leaders.

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Request Blessing to Speak

Have your audience inspired, motivated and challenged to go after the life they desire in-spite of life's challenges.